Recording at the Armoury was like an adventurous vacation on Risa. Unimagineable pleasures interrupted by moments of extreme performance stress. For example, this is the face Sam makes when he uses a shaker. In the studio, Sam is in a full-on no-bullshit mode. If I didn’t know him better, I’d say he seemed exactly like a vagrant trying to infiltrate another nation.
For more than 12 hours our home became a naturally lit studio with a kitchen and an espresso machine and a rooftop balcony and an upstairs couch lounge with video games. Matty made sure the couches were utilized to their full potential, as he was feeling narsty (but performed well regardless). He’s the most utilitarian puker I’ve ever met, and that is a genuine compliment.
I’m guessing that Charley’s highlight of the day was finding a suitable baton to conduct a tuba player. Did somebody cross off something on their secret to-do list ;)? I could be wrong, I’ve heard that it’s the baton that chooses you.