As we realize that we’ve spent a solid week with each other, we start to get our feathers ruffled (we don’t usually make bad puns, but when we do it includes our band name).
Tensions between band members have actually been civil, and we all easily laugh off arguments after a minute or two. I’ll be honest, I sometimes enjoy pushing buttons, but it’s pretty easy to stay positive when there’s an adorable, freshly groomed, ladylike poodle winking at you (her name’s Cinderella).
Tensions between band members have actually been civil, and we all easily laugh off arguments after a minute or two. I’ll be honest, I sometimes enjoy pushing buttons, but it’s pretty easy to stay positive when there’s an adorable, freshly groomed, ladylike poodle winking at you (her name’s Cinderella).
…except when you catch her licking her genitals with shameless vigour.
As we progress through the day listening to the same song over and over and over, it gets harder to take life srsly. One ongoing joke that I will not miss when it is gone is our cover band Nickelfeathers. We pretty much just sing our songs with a Chad Kroeger feel, and replace the last word of every lyric with an obnoxious “yeeeahhh”.
I wonder why the camera isn’t always his bff. Here’s a good gif of him though. Now don’t say we never get you nice things.
- Andrew